By evaluating our health and taking responsibility for making changes in our diet and lifestyle is one the first steps toward conscious living. Diet plays a big part in determining the state of out health. Eventually bad habits take their toll. As we cultivate awareness of how our bodies feel we begin to recognize more clearly how the food we eat can impact our health. If we don’t correct bad habits and allow small problems to develop into chronic conditions, the consequences for our actions or lack of action can become significant.
In addition to developing awareness of our diet, it’s also important that we become aware of dangers of the chemicals we introduce into our homes with everyday cleaning products, personal care products and anything that may expose us to potentially harmful chemicals. Residual chemicals can remain stored in the body and is thought to disrupt the delicate chemical balance in the body in certain individuals and may cause long term health problems.
Rather than think of dietary changes as deprivation you should cultivate awareness of the life giving properties of a healthy nutritious diet and consider it to be a source of empowerment for your mind and body. Think in terms of adding better quality food to your diet rather than what you’re being deprived of. As you begin to make a conscious effort at providing a wide variety of healthy options including fruits, vegetables and whole grains you will eventually eliminate the desire to have less healthy options.

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