Spring is in the air! The warm spring breeze seems to whisper the secrets for transforming our lives and realizing our full potential. The expansive nature of spring is conducive to connecting with our heart’s desire and inspiring our creative potential.
When we look out into the spring garden we can envision potential beauty. A barren landscape can be transformed into an awe-inspiring garden. Clearing the garden of old growth and preparing the soil for new life will contribute to a thriving garden. Trees can be pruned to promote strong new growth by removing limbs that will impede the health and beauty of the tree. Similarly, it’s important for us to clear out the past, and create space for new life experiences.
Spring Cleaning of our homes; spring cleansing of our bodies, and clearing mental clutter will help contribute to clarity and enhanced vital energy. It’s a good time to reflect on negative patterns of behavior with a new perspective and make a plan to renew our commitment to positive change and self-improvement. Let the energy of spring lend its qualities of enthusiasm and inspiration; let it penetrate your heart and mind and allow your heart’s desire to surface and become apparent.
Let go of negative self-talk, take responsibility and embrace self-created challenges with determination and persistence. Nourish and nurture your mind and body so that you can become resilient and can better persevere on your journey of connecting with your authentic self and realizing your dreams.
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