Thursday, April 26, 2012

Allow Yourself to Dream

Allow yourself to dream. Let go of practical thought and get in touch with your creativity and imagination.  Connect with your heart.  Envision the life you desire.  Picture moments that brings you joy and lightens your heart.  Encourage your imagination to take flight.  Nurture your dreams, allow them to flow,grow and inspire you.

Examine yourself without judgment and appreciate who you are and cherish the dreams you hold in your heart.  Work on engaging your vision, turning your wishes into plans and begin living the reality of your choosing. Go wholeheartedly on your journey and don’t allow resistance to stand in your way.  The path ahead of you may seem unclear but it will unfold before you and lead the way to your destiny.   With purity of heart, the right direction will become apparent and the choices you make will support your growth. 

Embrace the challenge of making small changes and realize how well they will fit into the bigger picture.  Set small goals and execute them without haste and excuses. Larger goals can at times be overwhelming.  Celebrate each day and embrace the milestones that you’ve accomplished and allow your daily accomplishments to leadyou to your next set of goals.  Keep your vision intact and allow for human error.  If your dream is clear you will mange to stay on track and continue to move forward. Clarity of vision will turn you into a force to be reckoned with.  It will reflect in your personality, your ability to be driven, motivated and accomplished. Take the time to dream and realize your potential, and stop at nothing to become the essence of who you are.

Don’t settle for less. Forge fearlessly into the future with confidence, strength, power and knowing.  Have faith in the unknown.  Exercise patience and free your mind of worry.  Allow the seeds of your wishes to grow and thrive.  Don’t allow fear and worry to lead you down the wrong path and allow you to deviate from your true calling.  Trust in your insights and allow yourself to become passionate and genuine in your motivation.  Challenge yourself to grow and create happiness in your life.  Allow the abundance of non material rewards to satisfy your soul and become your inspiration.  Keep your dreams alive and always remember that dreams can come true.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Letting Go

There are times when life seems to move along briskly and others times when we feel that our lives are kind of stuck in a holding pattern.  It very well may be that negative thoughts, feelings and self-defeating patterns of behavior are standing in the way of our happiness and success.  It could just be the perfect time to lighten up and let go of extra emotional baggage that could be weighing you down.

One of the most common places to start is to evaluate what pain or grudges you may be carrying around from the past. After careful thought and consideration, it’s hard to rationalize any explanation for carrying around a burden that  should no longer be on our shoulders. While there are valuable lessons to be learned and wisdom to be gained from where we’ve been; holding onto negative feelings, thoughts and emotions can only serve to be detrimental, and a stumbling block to freeing ourselves and moving forward. It’s important that we work through our life experiences with resolve and process them as efficiently as possible as we live and learn.  However, it’s just not healthy to allow it to take up space and stand in the way of our happiness and abundance.

  As every season changes we need to till our own gardens, renew our faith and establish a new perception and perspective as we heal our wounds and grow inherently wiser over time and through our experiences. The validity of what once happened and how it affected our life is important and it enhances our strength of character and can also provide conviction and momentum to make a fresh start as long as we process the emotions and let it go.

Becoming mindful, and learning to witness our thoughts and behaviors can be beneficial in identifying which of our behavior patterns are working against us. This glimpse of awareness helps us identify, with clarity, the areas in our lives where we can benefit from making a conscious effort in order to initiate change.  Changing our way of thinking and establishing a new perspective can alleviate the weight from unnecessary burdens that we may have subconsciously carried with us for way too long.  Sooner or later, it’s critical that we realize the importance of letting go, and as we let go we create space in our hearts and our lives for new experiences.

Allow yourself to blaze a new trail, and follow your heart where it takes you.  Lead yourself down a new road and little by little begin to shape your destiny to reflect the life that you want to live. Self-realization and awareness will provide you with strength of character, and power to make the right choices and rise above negative thoughts and limiting behavior patterns.

Friday, April 13, 2012

The Realm of Possibility

Deep in the heart of everyone, there’s a dream.  It may sometimes be difficult to see our dreams clearly.  And for most of us, it takes time to recognize just what is that you would like to achieve in  life.  It might simply be about finding serenity and unfolding a path to bring you there; or it could be a grand aspiration.  Getting in touch with our passion and our purpose can inspire us to create change and reveal a new way of life.  Getting to the point of knowing what it is that you want from life can be difficult to ascertain.  Breaking through and identifying life goals is a powerful way of cultivating positive change.

Engaging in a quest for truth and enlightenment can be overwhelming in and of itself.  The practice of meditation can help to alleviate the complexity of life’s mysteries by quieting the mind and enabling the intuitive self to guide us in the right direction.  Finding the right direction in life may require time and patience as we gradually uncover the truth within our heart and discover our calling in life.

As we all know, one thing always leads to another and when one door shuts another opens.  As you are able to find clarity and can focus specifically on what is in your realm of possibility, circumstance begins to align with the energy of your wishes and aspirations.  The right people can appear and the right doors seem to swing open when you become aligned with your higher purpose.

Wherever you are on the path of self-realization, you can set goals and begin to take action as you move forward on your journey.  Taking time out of your daily routine to reflect on your personal goals is a good strategy to gain clarity and momentum in making an unwavering decision to move forward in your life with dedication and determination.

Journaling can be a good form of self-expression and can help in the process of achieving clarity.  Writing things down seems to help turn our thoughts into a reality. Once we see our thoughts on paper, it somehow becomes real.  Once we make the decision to accept our goals as our reality, we gain energy and momentum that can propel us to accomplish what we set out to achieve.

What truly lies in our realm of possibility remains to be seen. Our determination, persistence, and ability to overcome obstacles with perseverance will accelerate our ability to manifest our hopes and dreams.  Making it to our final destination of realizing our highest hopes and dreams may be not be instantly attainable.  Life usually unfolds gradually, exposing bits and pieces to the puzzle that will fit perfectly into our lives in the present moment.  But perseverance is about keeping your dream alive and making course corrections when necessary and getting back on track.  Finding gratitude for what is, at this very moment, can create a nurturing inner environment of peace, harmony and abundance that can illuminate your life, fill your heart and inspire you to shine!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Spring Transformation

Spring is in the air!  The warm spring breeze seems to whisper the secrets for transforming our lives and realizing our full potential. The expansive nature of spring is conducive to connecting with our heart’s desire and inspiring our creative potential.
When we look out into the spring garden we can envision potential beauty.  A barren landscape can be transformed into an awe-inspiring garden. Clearing the garden of old growth and preparing the soil for new life will contribute to a thriving garden. Trees can be pruned to promote strong new growth by removing limbs that will impede the health and beauty of the tree.  Similarly, it’s important for us to clear out the past, and create space for new life experiences. 

Spring Cleaning of our homes; spring cleansing of our bodies, and clearing mental clutter will help contribute to clarity and enhanced vital energy.  It’s a good time to reflect on negative patterns of behavior with a new perspective and make a plan to renew our commitment to positive change and self-improvement.  Let the energy of spring lend its qualities of enthusiasm and inspiration; let it penetrate your heart and mind and allow your heart’s desire to surface and become apparent. 

Let go of negative self-talk, take responsibility and embrace  self-created challenges with determination and persistence.  Nourish and nurture your mind and body so that you can become resilient and can better persevere on your journey of connecting with your authentic self and realizing your dreams.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Spring Into Action

There’s no time that reminds us more of the cyclical nature of life than springtime.  As the natural world begins to show signs of new life, we can also experience renewal within our own life.  Spring is great time to spring into action, turn over a new leaf, strengthen our convictions, let go of fear and move forward. 

As we shed the layers of winter clothing, we should also let go of the weight of the should have’s and could have’s, and go for it.  Let go of the perfect plan, the perfect time and place and just own the moment of a new beginning.  Taking the first step is sometimes the hardest step to take but it is an important one.  Taking that first step requires finding courage, and putting aside fear in an attempt to do what’s right on your journey of growth and self-fulfillment.

We are the Master of our own destiny and captain of our own ship. We are in charge of navigating through to our desired destination.  There’s only so much that we can plan, prepare and anticipate.  At some point we need to take the leap into the unknown.  Taking a leap of faith is essentially courage and determination that is used to overcome obstacles and breakthrough to finding success through accomplishment and achievement that may ultimately reflect as joy in our lives. 

Goals and aspirations are different for everyone.  What’s important to one person may not be as important to someone else.  If we look into our hearts and give our true creative nature the chance for self-expression and the opportunity to find joy in the simple things, it will help support us in our personal quest of being true to ourselves and being the best we can be.