Thursday, September 15, 2011

Summer’s End

Ah September! It’s a beautiful time of year. The cool crisp air on a September day can rejuvenate, revive and replenish the spirit. While the lazy days of summer are quickly giving way to the fast pace of autumn, there is still some time left to linger in the final moments of the season.  In anticipation of summer’s departure, the urge to submerge ourselves in the fast pace of an autumn routine prevails. The fall season, naturally leads us down a path of productivity and has long been established as time designated to getting down to business. As the light and breezy days of summer are dwindling, we strive to become more productive as we set forth on a journey toward achieving new goals.

 The change of seasons seems to bring with it the opportunity for changing directions and establishing new ones. Starting new projects and developing new routines are synonymous with fall. It’s the perfect time to set in motion the steps necessary to implement a new plan and move closer toward achieving your dreams.

Getting organized and rekindling passion and determination is fueled by the energy of the summer sun. It may seem hard to regain momentum after a long summer but taking the time to clear your mind and recharge your battery will only lead to more focus and productivity for future endeavors.  So if you haven’t already taken the time to recharge your battery this summer, there is still time left to spare. Find the time to enjoy, reflect and embrace the simple pleasure and gentle beauty of summers end as the season quietly comes to close.

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