Sunday, March 13, 2011

Spring is in the Air

Spring is in the air!  As changes in the earth begin to emerge so it stirs change within each of us.  The spring season brings with it potential for growth and change. Springtime inspires us to seek out what we need to nourish our minds, nurture our hearts and replenish our spirit.  Life is once again in motion and our lives are awakened with the promise of a new beginning. 

With the gradual changing of the seasons our lives begin to take on a new shape and develop new character as we shift gears and  begin recognize potential. The changing season, however gradual, seems to create a subtle shift in our lives at just the right moment.  Like a breath of fresh air and an opportunity to look out and expand our horizons.  The spring season creates a wind of change allowing us to free our spirit, explore possibility and embrace growth .

 The days of dwelling in introspection are dwindling as the winter season draws to a close. The seeds of our subconscious hopes and dreams begin to grow and manifest into reality.  Springtime brings  hope and illumination.  Hope that all we have held so closely and nurtured in our hearts, minds and dreams during the reflective solitude of winter now have the chance to blossom out of the grasp of winter's darkness and spring fourth into the expansiveness and vast potential of Spring!

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