As we prepare for spring and think about giving our homes a good spring cleaning we should also consider the benefits starting an internal cleanse or detoxification program. There are many variations of a detox diet some of which take extreme measures and can in some cases leave the body feeling weakened. The purpose of a cleansing diet or detoxification program is to allow the digestive system to rest and help eliminate toxins from the body and bring about a feeling of revitalization and well being.
Before beginning a detoxification program it is advisable to consult your healthcare provider and develop a clear assessment of your needs and goals. Making gradual changes in your dietary habits is advisable. Sometimes changing your diet quickly and dramatically can make you feel worse before feeling better. Eliminating too much too soon can have adverse effects by overloading the liver and other channels of detoxification.
The first step in beginning a detox program would be to eliminate all processed foods, sugar, alcohol and caffeine. Next, start eliminating, cow’s milk, dairy products and gluten grains (wheat, rye, barley and oats) as well as cutting back or eliminating animal protein. Eliminate the foods that are disturbing or irritating to you. Sometimes food sensitivities or intolerances can develop from over consumption or repetitive eating patterns. Eliminating suspect foods and then reintroducing them is a good way to identify foods that may be creating digestive problems. Quite often, after avoiding a food for a period of time, sometimes as much as six to nine months, you may increase your ability to tolerate that particular food again and can begin reintroducing it back into the diet. This is known as the elimination diet and it is frequently used to detect foods that are causing allergic or inflammatory responses.
A gentle detoxification program can be practiced for a few days or a few weeks depending on your particular needs. Sometimes digestive enzymes, fiber, herbal laxatives and vitamin supplementation and rice protein shakes are recommended to assist with cleansing and regenerative healing. Drink plenty of water with lemon, sip nourishing herbal teas, consume lots of vegetable broth, and get plenty of fresh air, sunshine and exercise. In addition, dry skins brushing as well as massage, steams and saunas are recommended to assist with cleansing the body of toxins.
Going at your own pace with elimination and adding an abundance of fresh vegetables and moderate amount of fruit can assist in providing a great start to a healthier lifestyle. Avoiding foods for a period of time often helps eliminate the craving for them. Taking the leap to go on a detoxification program is a great way to start the spring season providing revitalized energy and a sense of renewal.